We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Links : Academic
Links for commercial companies are £40/year. Non-commercial and non-profit are free. Please contact us for more information.
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Listing of Useful Plants of the World
An extensive database of academic citations for 4200 New Crops.
Country Australia
Sections :AcademicNew CropsPlant Databases

Australian New Crops Web Site
Promotes the utilisation for New Crops in Australia with an Academic/Commercial outlook. Publish a newsletter, hold confrences and conduct research. Also have a citation database for 4200 crops.
Country Australia
Sections :AcademicConfrencesJournal/NewsletterNew CropsPlant DatabasesResearch

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Prior Art Database (T.E.K.* P.A.D.)
This is a repository of resources of plant uses and information focussing on use by different cultures. The aim of the project is to collect as much "prior art" about the plants as possible. If prior art on a particular plant use exists then in can prevent such information being patented and ensures that the information will remain in the public domain for all to use. The Plants For A Future Dataset is included in this website.
Country United States
Sections :AcademicBotanical InformationDirectories/ListingsEthnobotanyPlant DatabasesPublic Domain

The UK Crop Plant Bioinformatics Network
A collection of plant databases, including: EcoSys - Plant ecological ranges; EthnobotDB - Worldwide plant uses; FoodplantDB - Native American food plants; MPNADB - Medicinal plants of native America and several crop specific databases.
Country UK (England) Region Nottinghamshire
Sections :AcademicBotanical InformationEthnobotanyFloraPlant Databases

Located in New-Brunswick, with members from around the world, we are dedicated to promoting the organic econo98 thru our business practices.
Country Canada Region New-Brunswick
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureWoodland GardeningAgroforestryGeneral GardeningFarmingUrban PermacultureVegan organicsPermaculture DesignWild PlantsDrylandsAlly Croppingbotanical illustrationPondsTreesEdible FlowersRoot cropsPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsLow impact livingRun CoursesOther commercialPlant DatabasesDirectories/ListingsNews SitesFloraCo-opsCommunitiesEco-villagesCharitiesNon Profit GroupsCity Farms/Community GardensAcademicGovenmentalNGOPoliticalCampainingNetworksCollective

The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture
I collection of scanned texts of nearly 2000 books published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century. Cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science,forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science.
Country United States
Sections :Plant DatabasesAcademic

GreenHenge - The Environmental Hub
GreenHenge is an environmental-focused hub designed to provide one central source for locating web sites based on some aspect of our environment. This may include nature photographers, merchants offering solar products, wildlife preservation groups, science research sites, and more.
Country United States
Sections :OrganicsTrees and WoodlandsWater/WetlandsWildlife/ConservationWildernessDrylandsReforestationGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingOther EnvironmentalHealth IssuesFood IssuesAgricultureEnvironmentDirectories/ListingsNews SitesCharitiesNon Profit GroupsAcademicGovenmental

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.