We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Links for commercial companies are £40/year. Non-commercial and non-profit are free. Please contact us for more information.
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Green Guide
A comprehensive directory of a wide range of green companies.
Country UK (England)
Sections :Appropriate TechnologyCornwall/South West ActivistsDirectories/ListingsGreen BuildingHealth IssuesOther EnvironmentalSpiritualYoga

An English speaking vegan eco-village in Spain. The focus has been on raw-food, however cooked food is now permitted on site.
Country Spain Region Malaga
Sections :PermacultureYogaVeganRaw FoodRun CoursesVolunteering

Salvia Divinorum | Buy Salvia Divinorum
Looking to grow salvia plants of various strains? We are working on everything from salvia extracts to salvia plants themselves. They really are a beautiful plant if you have seen them when in flower. Amazing.
Country United States Region US
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureWoodland GardeningGeneral GardeningUrban PermacultureSoilTraditional Plant UsesHerbs and Medicinal Plantsnative plantsHouse plantsSpiritualYogaAgricultureOpen To PublicJournal/NewsletterPlant SuppliersPlant Suppliers (Organic)Seed SuppliersHerb/Medicinal SuppliersSustainable plant productsOther commercialIndividual booksPhoto GallerysDirectories/ListingsBotanical InformationEthnobotanyCo-opsCommunitiesEco-villagesRare Plants/Heritage SeedsWild Plants

Gru Tea | Bulk Tea | Bulk Green Tea Bags | Lemon Tea | Tulsi Tea | Yogi Tea
Ranbir Singh Bhai is the co-founder of “Yogi Tea-a renowned lifestyle tea in USA since 80s". His experience and realization became the vision of Gru Tea: to inspire the well being of mind, body and spirit with the simple art of tea.
Country India
Sections :PermacultureYoga

Yogi Botanicals | Organic Spices | Herbs | Honey | Dried Flowers | Oleoresigns | Extracts | Essential Oils
Yogi Botanicals supports organic farming projects by connecting local growers with mainstream manufacturers/buyers and providing them with the most beneficial economic as well as ecological choice.
Country India
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsYogaLocal FoodAgriculture

MedicineCrow.com: The Grassroots Healthcare Network
MedicineCrow.com is a membership community for sharing the knowledge and wisdom of plant based medicine.
Country United States Region California
Sections :Herbs and Medicinal PlantsSustainable livingSpiritualYogaHealth IssuesGardening Tools

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.