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An English speaking vegan eco-village in Spain. The focus has been on raw-food, however cooked food is now permitted on site.
Country Spain Region Malaga
Sections :PermacultureYogaVeganRaw FoodRun CoursesVolunteering

Sunseed Desert Technology
Aims to develop, demonstrate and communicate accessible, low-tech methods of sustainability in a semi-arid environment. Runs an English speeking centre in Almería, Spain where the techniques such as solar cookers, low tec pumps and the use of 98corrhizal fungi to stimulate plant growth are demonstrated.
Country Spain Region Almería
Sections :OrganicsDrylandsGreen BuildingAppropriate TechnologyVolunteeringCharitiesFungi

forest garden starting in andalucia
Maureen and Phil Rooksby have just started work on a 2.5 ha forest garden in the Sierra de Aracena, and welcome volunteers to come and help with the work. Write to us, via the blog asimplerlife.yolasite.com. We also need cuttings and seeds.
Country Spain Region Huelva
Sections :OrganicsSustainable AgricultureWoodland GardeningAgroforestryGeneral GardeningVegan organicsTrees and WoodlandsWild Food/ForagingCompostSoilBio-diversityDrylandsTraditional Plant UsesReforestationTree nursaryTreesEdible FlowersPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsFruit CropsFungiGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingAppropriate TechnologyHealth IssuesSpiritualVeganRaw FoodVegetarianOpen To PublicVolunteeringBooks Stores/PublishersIndividual booksBlogs

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.