We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Links for commercial companies are £40/year. Non-commercial and non-profit are free. Please contact us for more information.
New Links Old Links Plant Suppliers Databases News Groups & mailing lists UK Organizations
Listing of Useful Plants of the World
An extensive database of academic citations for 4200 New Crops.
Country Australia
Sections :AcademicNew CropsPlant Databases

Australian New Crops Web Site
Promotes the utilisation for New Crops in Australia with an Academic/Commercial outlook. Publish a newsletter, hold confrences and conduct research. Also have a citation database for 4200 crops.
Country Australia
Sections :AcademicConfrencesJournal/NewsletterNew CropsPlant DatabasesResearch

A collection of permaculture videos, news and other resources.
Country Australia
Sections :PermacultureDirectories/Listings

Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
Group headed by Geoff Lawton which offer worldwide permaculture training and consultance. One particularly interesting project has been greening 10 acres in Jordan. The website is a blog with many articles, course listings and a very active forum.
Country Australia
Sections :PermacultureDrylandsNon Profit GroupsConsultancyMailing lists/ForumsBlogs

Permaculture Association of Tasmania
Umbrella group for Tasmanian permaculture. Site has details of all known tasmanian projects as well a an editible wiki with lisitngs of world wide groups.
Country Australia Region Tasmania
Sections :PermacultureDirectories/ListingsWikiNetworks

Water Sensitive Urban Design?
Site focussing on water cycle management. Has a good section on Swales.
Country Australia
Sections :HydrologyReedbedsSwales

australian nurseries online
Australian plants search resource with articles on how to grow plants, club and association listings and photographs
Country Australia
Sections :General GardeningRare Plants/Heritage SeedsTreesPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsPlant SuppliersPlant Suppliers (Organic)Seed SuppliersHerb/Medicinal SuppliersDirectories/ListingsNon Profit Groups

Aussies Living Simply
We are a community focused on sustainability, permaculture, organic gardening, backyard livestock, simple living and stepping lightly on the planet. We invite you to become a member, it’s free and you’ll be part of one of the most interesting and friendly groups on the net. The posts you see listed on this home page are a tiny example of the large collection of interesting and in some cases, life changing, forum discussions you will have free access to as a member. Our forum is lively and active and often you can get an answer to a question within minutes. We discuss simple living, backyard livestock, permaculture, organic food production, sustainable energy, living well on less money, preserving, bread baking, stockpiling food, recycling, mending and reusing and a wide range of sustainability topics. There is a seed and plant exchange, members’ discounts for open pollinated vegetable seeds, bare-rooted plants, native trees and plants. You’ll also find a treasure chest of homemade food recipes and instructions on how to make natural household cleansers, soap, laundry detergent, shampoo and lots more. Certified organic farmer and author of Easy Organic Gardening and Moon Planting, Lyn Bagnall, is here to answer your organic gardening questions.
Country Australia
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureGeneral GardeningFarmingUrban PermaculturePermaculture DesignTreesEdible FlowersRoot cropsPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsNon Food CropsCoppicingFruit Cropsnative plantsHouse plantsGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingAppropriate TechnologyOther EnvironmentalComunity compostingGardening ToolsLocal FoodClimate ChangeAgricultureEnvironmentOpen To PublicVolunteeringJournal/NewsletterNetworkingPhoto GallerysDirectories/ListingsMailing lists/ForumsFlorarecipe siteCo-opsCommunitiesEco-villagesCharitiesNon Profit GroupsCity Farms/Community GardensNetworks

Geographe Community Landcare Nursery
A nursery based in southwest australia. Which specalises in local plants has good info on the flora of Busselton (and surrounding areas).
Country Australia
Sections :General GardeningPlant SuppliersFlora

Australia's Exotic Plants
Online nursery offering rare & exotic plants to Australia
Country Australia Region Queensland
Sections :General GardeningRare Plants/Heritage SeedsFruit Cropsnative plantsHedgingHouse plantsPlant SuppliersPhoto GallerysFloraBlogs

Seed Scene
Seed Scene is a Community, Directory, Classifieds and events manager for all people who work with landscaping, nurseries, gardening, farming and associated services.
Country Australia
Sections :recipe siteDirectories/ListingsCommunitiesBuisness servicesPhoto GallerysUrban PermacultureMailing lists/ForumsBlogsResearch

Food Plants International
We are documenting the edible plants of the world in easily understood English to help the hungry, especially in the 81 poorest countries (infant mortality) mostly in the tropics and subtropics, to feed themselves well. Currently we have 24,700 edible plant species and continue to add information, publications and posters to our website available free to share on a not-for-profit basis.
Country Australia
Sections :ResearchSustainable AgriculturePlant DatabasesEthnobotanyTree nursaryBuisness servicesNetworksNon Profit Groups

Little Organics
Everything organic for little people, Little Organics is about a safer happier baby Say goodbye to the chemical and addictives in baby products with little organics
Country Australia Region Victoria
Sections :Climate ChangeOrganicsNews Sites

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.