We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Links for commercial companies are £40/year. Non-commercial and non-profit are free. Please contact us for more information.
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An extensive series of articles relating to agriculture. of particular interest are the articles on Non-food Products and a comparision of the energy uses of different animal and vegtable products.
Country Canada
Sections :Non Food CropsFruit CropsFood IssuesAgriculture

Hundreds of vegan and eco-friendly products. Organic hemp clothing, footwear and accessories, plus a library of information on hemp, veganism and related topics.
Country Canada Region Ontario
Sections :OrganicsSustainable AgricultureVegan organicsFibresOil cropsLow impact livingSustainable livingAnimal RightsOther EnvironmentalVeganEnvironmentSustainable plant productsOther commercialHemp

Located in New-Brunswick, with members from around the world, we are dedicated to promoting the organic econo98 thru our business practices.
Country Canada Region New-Brunswick
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureWoodland GardeningAgroforestryGeneral GardeningFarmingUrban PermacultureVegan organicsPermaculture DesignWild PlantsDrylandsAlly Croppingbotanical illustrationPondsTreesEdible FlowersRoot cropsPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsLow impact livingRun CoursesOther commercialPlant DatabasesDirectories/ListingsNews SitesFloraCo-opsCommunitiesEco-villagesCharitiesNon Profit GroupsCity Farms/Community GardensAcademicGovenmentalNGOPoliticalCampainingNetworksCollective

A contact network for members of the environmental, vegetarian and animal rights communities looking for friendship, marriage and romance.
Country Canada
Sections :

Herbs and Spices
Site includes an encyclopedia of spices and herbs, tips on using and harvesting herbs, historical articles on spices and information on the cultivation and medicinal value of herbs and spices
Country Canada Region Ontario
Sections :Herbs and Medicinal Plants

Our Vegan Kitchen
We are a Canadian Westcoast Family enjoying the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. So here you see our webpage in it's infancy. We hope you stick around to see and help it grow. Check back frequently, as we will be adding new recipes everyday. If you feel so inclined, add some of your own!We are compassionately cholesterol free.
Country Canada Region BC
Sections :recipe site

House Plants
Online resource for successful indoor grdening offers houseplants care information, articles and great images gallery.
Country Canada
Sections :House plants

Forestry and other Environmental Games
Free online environmental games, ecological footprint calculators, quizzes, and polls. Games for the planet @ Ecogamer.org
Country Canada Region Ontario
Sections :OrganicsWoodland GardeningTrees and WoodlandsGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingWildcraftOther Green GroupsRaw FoodClimate ChangeAgricultureEnvironment

Future's Nature and Sciences Dynamic Forum
Dynamic portal about future technologies , nature, living, and social sciences.
Country Canada
Sections :General GardeningUrban PermacultureGreen BuildingOther EnvironmentalEnvironmentTalksCommunities

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.