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Balkan Ecology Project
The Balkan Ecology Project (BALKEP) is a permaculture-inspired, grassroots project based in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria). BALKEP is devoted to the design and exploration of ecologically-sound human habitats and serves as a demonstration site for local residents, communities and visitors from abroad. Our efforts aim to develop thoughtful approaches to food, shelter, community and commerce, while promoting and preserving the unique biological diversity associated with the Balkan region.
Country Bulgaria Region Shipka
Sections :FarmingOther commercialCollectivePermacultureWild PlantsWild Food/ForagingCompostSoilBio-diversityWildernessEdible FlowersPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsFruit Cropsnative plantsHouse plantsWildcraftFood IssuesLocal FoodVolunteeringConfrencesTrainingPlant DatabasesBotanical InformationLitrature reviewrecipe siteCo-opsNon Profit GroupsCity Farms/Community GardensNGOCampainingPermacultureTrees and WoodlandsFarmingVegan organicsLow impact livingTalksOrganicsGeneral GardeningWild Food/ForagingSoilBio-diversityTreesEdible FlowersRoot cropsPerennialsNon Food CropsBiomassFungiApprenticeshipsTrainingPlant SuppliersGarden DesignPlant DatabasesNGOSustainable AgricultureGeneral GardeningOpen To PublicCommunitiesPondsBotanical InformationFungiNetworkingNetworksCollectiveHerbs and Medicinal PlantsFruit CropsVolunteeringConsultancyNon Food CropsRun CoursesWoodland GardeningTreesGenetics/GMOPhoto GallerysCampainingTree nursaryOil cropsAgroforestryRare Plants/Heritage SeedsHedgingPoliticalAgroforestryTree nursaryResearchCollectiveGardening ToolsMailing lists/ForumsRun CoursesSeed SuppliersSoilPhoto GallerysOrganicsRoot cropsWild PlantsCo-opsUrban PermacultureTrees and WoodlandsNew CropsSustainable livingPhoto GallerysWoodland GardeningHedgingPlant Suppliers (Organic)CompostCoppicingnative plantsBlogs

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.