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Sea Buckthorn Oil
Sea Buckthorn Nutrient Components: High content of vitamin C(1500mg/100g ),more than 30 flavonoid compounds,more than 20 animo acids, 20 micro elements, more than10 unsaturated fatty acids, 200 bioactive substances, including alkaloids,terpenoids and phosphatides. Improve antifatigue ability, anti-age, stop carcinogen production a nd control cancer cell growth, radiation hardening,cholesterol decrease, prevent high blood pressure and stroke, cure tracheitis, asthma,gastric ulcer, enteritis and diarrhea. In addition, it can ease pain efficiently. Nutrition health products, functional foods, assistant therapeutic agent of radiotherapy and chemical treatment, baby foods, middle and old age foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical materials.
Country UK (England) Region SC
Sections :Herb/Medicinal SuppliersBuisness services

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