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Sow And Grow Organics
A vegan organic project in Lancashire.
Country UK (England) Region Lancashire
Sections :Vegan organics

Sow And Grow Organics
A vegan organic project, selling vegan organic products through a box scheme in the Wigan area. Jenny Hall from the project is co-author of the book Growing Green: Organic Techniques for a Sustainable Future discussing stockfree organics.
Country UK (England) Region Lancashire
Sections :Vegan organicsVeganIndividual books

Offshoots Permaculture Project
A permaculture project in the walled, kitchen garden of Towneley Hall, Lancashire, setup in 1997. Has four eco friendly buildings, wind and solar power and a community composting scheme. In January 2006 Offshoots won a Bura (British Urban Regeneration award). The site is managed by Groundwork East Lancashire.
Country UK (England) Region Lancashire
Sections :PermacultureGreen BuildingRun CoursesOpen To PublicVolunteeringTree nursaryComunity composting

Sustainable garden offices.
We design eco-friendly garden offices using locally sourced hewatwood larch, cedar shingles and high levels of insulation.Our garden offices require minimal heating and are designed to last indefinitely without using preservatives.
Country UK (England) Region Lancashire
Sections :

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.