We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Online Land Planning
Online Land Planning is a collaborative of specialized alternative energy and land planning experts who consult on integrated strategies for property owners interested in locating and developing land based on a sustainable design approach. OLP utilizes and share internet resources to consolidate and provide initial land planning solutions for most properties based on available data on wind, geothermal, permaculture opportunities, wastewater treatment, biomass, agroforestry, landfill, hydro agriculture, bioremediation and potential for waste loop optimization.
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© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.