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Permaculture Design in Pai
A permaculture design project in Nothern Thailand working with an akha hill tribe woman who has been farming all her life.
Country Thailand
Sections :Co-opsPermacultureVolunteering

Jiaogulan - Project Good life
Site promoting Jiaogulan or Southern Ginseng. Site has info on the science behind the herb and its use in Traditional Chinese medicine.
Country Thailand
Sections :CollectiveHerbs and Medicinal Plants

Thailand Permaculture- The Baan Thai Project
We are a recentl upstart community and education center focused on natural building and permaculture design (as well as learning a lot and having a good time!). We host natural building and permaculture courses (including one in may and one in June of 2007). We are also welcoming of anyone who would like to come help out with our project during their time in Thailand. Check out our tribe site for more details.
Country Thailand Region Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureFarmingUrban PermaculturePermaculture DesignTrees and WoodlandsBio-diversityTreesRoot cropsPerennialsHerbs and Medicinal PlantsNon Food CropsCoppicingFruit Cropsnative plantsFungiGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingWildcraftOther EnvironmentalEnvironmentRun CoursesOpen To PublicApprenticeshipsNetworkingTrainingConsultancyCommunitiesEco-villages

Dired Shiitake Mushroom
Shiitake mushrooms have been studied closely by western and Asian doctors.Theyhave been acclaimed to have medicinal and nutritional properties. We sell medicinalgrade dried shiitake mushrooms, freshly dried and sold mail order directly from Asia
Country Thailand
Sections :Sustainable AgricultureHedgingPlant SuppliersPlant Suppliers (Organic)

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.