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A comprehensive gallery photos of over 3,000 species, with some identification and plant use information. In German, English and French.
Country Germany
Sections :Photo Gallerys

Magic Garden Seeds
A small company based in Bavaria Germany, specialized in rare and unusual plants including Medicinal & Ethnobotanical Seeds.
Country Germany
Sections :Seed Suppliers

Wild-Kraeuter & mehr
Main aim of 98 site is to spread the knowledge about edible plants. How grow and to pick them. And EASY ways of prepairing/cooking them. Generous support is given to people who want to sell this stuff (fresh wild leafy produce) professionally, too.
Country Germany Region Niedersachsen, Wendland
Sections :PermacultureWild PlantsWildlife/ConservationBio-diversityWildernessbotanical illustrationEdible FlowersHerbs and Medicinal Plantsnative plantsLow impact livingRaw FoodLocal FoodEnvironmentRun CoursesOpen To PublicVolunteeringPlant SuppliersHerb/Medicinal SuppliersOther commercialBuisness servicesPhoto GallerysBotanical InformationFlora

Digital Nature
Wild-plants in germany
Country Germany
Sections :Wild PlantsWater/WetlandsWildernessHerbs and Medicinal Plantsnative plantsFungiResearchPhoto GallerysBotanical InformationFlora

Plants and Fungi - Pflanzenbilder
Rare Plants and Fungi in germany
Country Germany
Sections :Wild PlantsWater/WetlandsWildernessPhoto GallerysPlant DatabasesBotanical Information

Learning eatable and healing plants in big cities
We do excursions in urban fields, such as parks, front gardens, sidewalks and other places like train stations and railway properties. There are a big number of useful plants in our neighborhood! On the internet page u will find the dates of the excursions and some interesting text and pictures about urban useful plants. At the moment we do especially tours in Berlin, but we are planing to join ohter big cities, such as London and Vienna.
Country Germany
Sections :Wild PlantsHerbs and Medicinal Plantsnative plantsHealth IssuesRun CoursesHerb/Medicinal SuppliersLitrature reviewEdible FlowersConsultancyUrban PermacultureFood IssuesWild Food/ForagingEthnobotany

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.