We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Organic Vegetable Gardening Holidays in France
For a stimulating, rewarding and enjoyable break, come and join us with like-minded people on one of our residential courses which are held throughout the year. We feel that Limousin is the ideal location in which to hold courses in France. All of our learning holidays focus on and celebrate the environment in some way.
Country France
Sections :Low impact livingSustainable livingRun CoursesGarden Design

Scionwood exchange website (edible fruits, rare fruits). More than 1500 varieties with graded descriptions. (French language. Free. No ads.)
Country France
Sections :Bio-diversityPlant DatabasesNon Profit Groups

Organic gardening
Helpful organic gardening information, articles and tips. Topics include: mulch, compost, organic pest control, companion planting and more. Visit us at www.biodelice.com for details.
Country France
Sections :OrganicsSustainable Agriculture

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.