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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Adonis vernalisPheasant's Eye, Spring pheasant's eye03
Anemarrhena asphodeloidesZhi Mu03
Citrus aurantiumBitter Orange, Sour orange, Bergamot orange33
Ballota nigraBlack Horehound03
Lycopus virginicusBugleweed, Virginia water horehound23
Eschscholzia californicaCalifornian Poppy13
Cinnamomum camphoraCamphor, Camphortree23
Nepeta catariaCatmint, Catnip32
Apium graveolensWild Celery. Ajmod, Ajwain-ka-patta (Indian)33
Aquilegia vulgarisColumbine, European columbine, Granny's Bonnet, European Crowfoot21
Corydalis cava 03
Primula verisCowslip, Cowslip primrose33
Chamaemelum nobileChamomile, Roman chamomile25
Lavandula angustifoliaEnglish Lavender, True Lavender23
Viscum albumMistletoe, European mistletoe13
Ginkgo bilobaMaidenhair Tree, Ginkgo55
Panax ginsengGinseng, Chinese ginseng25
Calluna vulgarisHeather, Scotch Heather22
Paris quadrifoliaHerb Paris02
Humulus lupulusHop, Common hop, European Hop,45
Melissa officinalisLemon Balm, Common balm, Bee Balm, Sweet Balm, Lemon Balm35
Convallaria majalisLily Of The Valley, European lily of the valley13
Cannabis sativaHemp, Marijuana44
Annona muricataSour Sop43
Tarchonanthus camphoratusCamphor Bush, Wild Camphor Bush13
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