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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aconitum carmichaeliiJapanese Aconite, Carmichael's monkshood02
Aconitum feroxIndian aconite01
Aconitum fischeriFischer monkshood01
Aconitum kusnezoffiiBei Wu Tou01
Aconitum lycoctonumWolfsbane11
Aconitum uncinatumWild Monkshood, Southern blue monkshood01
Aconitum volubile 11
Arisaema thunbergii 01
Asarum heterotropoides 02
Asarum sieboldiiWild Ginger02
Capsicum frutescensTabasco Pepper, Cayenne pepper34
Coptis chinensisHuang Lian03
Coptis teetaYun Lian12
Datura metelThorn Apple, Angel's Trumpet, Hindu Datura, Horn of Plenty, Downy Thorn Apple13
Fritillaria sewerzowii 01
Gleditsia macracantha 01
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney Locust32
Mentha arvensisCorn Mint, Wild mint32
Mentha arvensis piperascensJapanese Mint32
Monarda menthifoliaMint-Leaved Bergamot, Mintleaf bergamot12
Rhododendron molleChinese Azalea01
Salix pulchraTealeaf Willow12
Tagetes lucidaMexican Tarragon, Sweetscented marigold43
Zanthoxylum bungeanum 23
Zanthoxylum schinifoliumPeppertree22
Dichrostachys cinereaMarabou Thorn, Sickle Bush22
Jasminum sambacJasmine Tea33
Costus aferSpiral Ginger, Ginger lily, White spiral costus.24
Erythrophleum ivorenseOrdealtree, sasswoodtree13
Erythrophleum suaveolensErun, ordealtree, Sasswood Tree03
Erythroxylum cocaCoca, Little Coca14
Pausinystalia johimbeYohimbe05
Tabernanthe ibogaIboga04
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