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Search for: Vicia
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Artemisia ludovicianaWhite Sage, Louisiana Sage, Prairie Sage, Western MugwortAsteraceae or Compositae 22
Artemisia ludoviciana gnaphalodesWhite SageAsteraceae or CompositaeA. gnaphalodes. Nutt.02
Artemisia mexicanaMexican White SagebrushAsteraceae or CompositaeA. ludoviciana mexicana. (Willd.)Fern.01
Avena ludovicianaOatsPoaceae or Gramineae 20
Lactuca ludovicianaWestern Wild Lettuce, Biannual lettuceAsteraceae or Compositae 22
Orobanche ludovicianaBroomrape, Louisiana broomrapeOrobanchaceaeHomotypic Synonyms: Aphyllon ludovicianum (Nutt.) A.Gray. Conopholis ludoviciana (Nutt.) A.Wood. Myzorrhiza ludoviciana (Nutt.) Rydb. O. ludoviciana var. genuina Beck. Phelypaea ludoviciana (Nutt.) G.Don.11
Vicia americanaAmerican Vetch, Mat vetchFabaceae or LeguminosaeLathyrus diffusus. Orobus diffusus21
Vicia amoena Fabaceae or Leguminosae 10
Vicia amurensis Fabaceae or LeguminosaeVicia japonica sensu auct. Vicia pallida. Vicia ussuriensis10
Vicia articulataOne-Flower VetchFabaceae or LeguminosaeV. monanthos. Desv. Cracca monanthos. Lens monantha. Vicia smyrnaea10
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