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Search for: Sapindaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aesculus sppHorse chestnutSapindaceaeMany. See individual species.44
Blighia sapidaAkee, ackee apple or ayeeSapindaceaeAkea solitaria Stokes Akeesia africana Tussac Cupania akeesia Cambess. ex Spach Cupania sapida (K.D.Koenig) Oken32
Cardiospermum halicacabumHeart Seed, Balloon vineSapindaceaeCardiospermum acuminatum Miq. Cardiospermum corycodes Kunze. Cardiospermum glabrum Schumach. & Thonn12
Dimocarpus longanLongan, Lungan, Dragon's Eye, Cat's EyeSapindaceaeEuphoria longan (Lour.) Steud. Euphoria longana Lam. Nephelium longana Cambess. Nephelium long-yan B43
Diploglottis australisNative TamarindSapindaceae 00
Dodonaea viscosaNative Hops, Florida hopbush, Hopseed Bush, Varnish Leaf, Hopbush, Narrow-leaf hopbush, Wedge-leaf hSapindaceaeD. attenuata. A.Cunn.22
Koelreuteria paniculataGolden Rain Tree, Varnish TreeSapindaceae 21
Litchi chinensisLychee, LitchiSapindaceaeDimocarpus lichi Lour. Nephelium chinense (Sonn.) Druce. Nephelium litchi Camb. Scytalia chinensis (52
Melicoccus bijugatusMamoncillo, Spanish Lime, GuayoSapindaceaeMelicoccus bijuga L. Melicoccus carpopodea Juss. Paullinia sphaerocarpa Rich. ex Juss.42
Nephelium lappaceumRambutan, Hairy LycheeSapindaceaeNephelium glabrum Cambess. Nephelium obovatum Ridely. Nephelium sufferugineum Radlk.52
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