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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Glyptostrobus pensilisChinese Swamp Cypress02
Nyssa aquaticaWater Tupelo20
Phellodendron amurenseAmur Cork Tree, Chinese Corktree13
Phellodendron amurense sachalinense 00
Phellodendron lavalleiLavalle corktree10
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Populus nigraBlack Poplar, Lombardy poplar13
Populus trichocarpaWestern Balsam Poplar, Black cottonwood13
Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas Fir, Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir22
Puya chilensis 10
Quercus hispanica 32
Quercus suberCork Oak22
Quercus suber occidentalisCork Oak22
Quercus variabilisChinese Cork Oak22
Musanga cecropioidesCorkwood34
Dyera costulataHill Jelutong01
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