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Search for: Erysimum
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Alliaria petiolataGarlic MustardBrassicaceae or CruciferaeA. officinalis. Erysimum alliaria. Sisymbrium alliaria.32
Barbarea vulgarisYellow Rocket, Garden yellowrocketBrassicaceae or CruciferaeCampe barbarea. Erysimum barbarea.31
Conringia orientalisHare's Ear MustardBrassicaceae or CruciferaeBrassica orientalis. Erysimum orientale. non Mill. E. perfoliatum.20
Erysimum capitatumCoastal Wallflower, Sanddune wallflower, Contra Costa wallflower, San Luis Obispo wallflower, Pursh'Brassicaceae or CruciferaeE. asperum. (Nutt.)DC. Cheiranthus capitatus.02
Erysimum cheiranthoidesWormseed MustardBrassicaceae or Cruciferae 01
Erysimum cheiriWallflower, Aegean wallflowerBrassicaceae or CruciferaeCheiranthus cheiri. L.02
Erysimum diffusumDiffuse wallflowerBrassicaceae or CruciferaeE. canescens. Roth.01
Erysimum hieraciifoliumEuropean wallflower,Brassicaceae or Cruciferae 20
Erysimum repandumBushy Wallflower, Spreading wallflowerBrassicaceae or Cruciferae 01
Erysimum x allioniiSiberian WallflowerBrassicaceae or CruciferaeCheiranthus x allionii00
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