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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Arundo donaxGiant Reed, Giant Reed Grass32
Phyllostachys edulisMoso-Chiku, Tortoise shell bamboo41
Rhus typhinaStag's Horn Sumach, Velvet Sumac, Staghorn Sumac42
Rubus spectabilisSalmonberry32
Sambucus nigraElderberry - European Elder, Black elderberry, American black elderberry, Blue elderberry, Europea43
Bambusa vulgarisCommon Bamboo32
Caryota urensJaggary Palm, Toddy Palm, Fishtail Wine Palm42
Cecropia peltataTrumpet Tree, Snakewood, Congo pump, Wild pawpaw, Pop-a-gun33
Dendrocalamus giganteusGiant Bamboo, Bhalu bans, Dhungre bans21
Dendrocalamus latiflorusSweet Bamboo, Sweet bamboo shoot, Taiwan giant bamboo40
Dimocarpus longanLongan, Lungan, Dragon's Eye, Cat's Eye43
Gigantochloa verticillataWhorled bamboo, Giant stripy bamboo30
Sambucus nigra spp canadensisAmerican Elder43
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