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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acanthus mollisBear's Breeches02
Asphodelus albusAsphodel, Gamón-blanco21
Carya laciniosaShellbark Hickory31
Carya pallidaSand Hickory31
Carya tomentosaMockernut,White Heart Hickory, Mockernut Hickory31
Chelone glabraBalmony, White turtlehead03
Delphinium semibarbatumZalil01
Galeopsis tetrahitCommon Hemp Nettle, Brittlestem hempnettle01
Hydrilla verticillataHydrilla, Waterthyme02
Juglans nigraBlack Walnut33
Juglans regiaWalnut, English walnut, Persian Walnut,43
Juglans regia kamaoniaWalnut33
Ligustrum vulgarePrivet, European privet , Common Privet01
Linaria vulgarisYellow Toadflax, Butter and eggs12
Paris quadrifoliaHerb Paris02
Rumex aquaticusRed Dock, Western dock13
Scrophularia umbrosaWater Betony, Water figwort13
Senecio sylvaticusMountain Groundsel, Woodland ragwort01
Tamarix gallicaManna Plant, French tamarisk12
Trifolium pratenseRed Clover33
Trifolium repensWhite Clover, Dutch Clover, Purple Dutch Clover, Shamrock, White Clover32
Vinca majorGreater Periwinkle, Bigleaf periwinkle, Myrtle, Large Periwinkle, Big Periwinkle03
Vinca minorLesser Periwinkle, Flower of Death, English Holly, Creeping Myrtle, Creeping Vinca, Common Periwink03
Yucca gloriosaSpanish Dagger, moundlily yucca, Palm Lily, Roman Candle, Mound Lily Yucca, Spanish Dagger21
Elaeis guineensisAfrican Oil Palm52
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