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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Alkanna tinctoriaAlkanet, Alkanna12
Amaranthus blitumSlender Amaranth, Purple amaranth42
Amaranthus caudatusLove Lies Bleeding41
Amaranthus cruentusPurple Amaranth, Red amaranth42
Amaranthus hypochondriacusPrince's Feather, Prince-of-wales feather43
Amaranthus quitensisAtaco20
Anchusa officinalisAlkanet, Common bugloss21
Artemisia indica 13
Artemisia princeps 21
Artemisia vulgarisMugwort, Common wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood23
Atriplex canescensGrey Sage Brush, Fourwing saltbush41
Basella albaMalabar Spinach, Indian Spinach, Ceylon spinach,42
Borago officinalisBorage, Common borage,Cool-tankard, Tailwort33
Calendula officinaliscalendula, Pot Marigold35
Camellia sinensisTea Plant, Assam tea, Tea Tree Camellia44
Capsicum annuumSweet Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, Christmas Pepper, Red Pepper, Ornamental Chili Pepper43
Centaurea cyanusCornflower, Garden cornflower, Blue Bottle, Cornflower22
Chenopodium capitatumStrawberry Blite, Blite goosefoot31
Crocosmia aureaMontbretia10
Crocus nudiflorus 23
Crocus sativusSaffron33
Crocus serotinus 20
Daucus carota sativusCarrot53
Euonymus europaeusSpindle Tree, European spindletree12
Euonymus japonicusJapanese Spindle Tree, Box-leaf Euonymus, Evergreen Euonymus, Japanese Euonymus11
Galium verumLady's Bedstraw, Yellow Spring bedstraw, Wirtgen's bedstraw32
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisChinese Hibiscus, Shoeblackplant, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Tropical Hibiscus, China Rose, Rose-of-China, S33
Hierochloe odorataHoly Grass22
Lithospermum canescensPaint Indian, Hoary puccoon11
Lythrum salicariaPurple Loosestrife23
Mirabilis jalapaMarvel Of Peru, Miracle Flower of Peru, Four O'Clock22
Onopordum acanthiumScotch Thistle, Scotch cottonthistle21
Papaver rhoeasCorn Poppy, Field Poppy, Shirley Poppy23
Perilla frutescensShiso, Beefsteakplant, Spreading Beefsteak Plant43
Perilla frutescens nankinensisPurple Shiso43
Petroselinum crispumParsley44
Phytolacca americanaPokeweed, American pokeweed, Garnet, Pigeon Berry, Poke33
Phytolacca dioicaBella Sombra20
Psophocarpus tetragonolobusWinged Bean30
Rheum x cultorumRhubarb43
Sambucus nigraElderberry - European Elder, Black elderberry, American black elderberry, Blue elderberry, Europea43
Scolymus hispanicusSpanish Salsify, Common Goldenthistle30
Spinacia oleraceaSpinach32
Tagetes erectaAfrican Marigold, Aztec marigold, Big Marigold, American Marigold33
Tagetes patulaFrench Marigold, Dwarf French Marigold22
Tritonia crocata 10
Urtica dioicaStinging Nettle, California nettle55
Bixa orellanaAnnatto (Lipstick Plant, Urucum, Colorau, Achiote )33
Camellia sinensis assamicaTea Plant, Assam Tea44
Dioscorea alataWater Yam, Purple yam, Greater yam, White yam41
Indigofera tinctoriaIndigo, True Indigo, dye indigo22
Oenocarpus batauaPataua Palm. Bataua32
Sauropus androgynusSweet Leaf, Sweetleaf Bush, Katuk52
Theobroma cacaoCacao, Cocoa Tree53
Pandanus amaryllifoliusFragrant Pandan32
Talinum fruticosumTahitian Spinach, Waterleaf, Ceylon Spinach32
Cola acuminataCola Nut, Kola, Bissy Nut34
Pterocarpus soyauxiiAfrican Coralwood22
Sorghum bicolorSorghum, Common wild sorghum, Grain sorghum, Sudangrass42
Tectona grandisTeak22
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