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Search for: Genista
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Cytisus decumbensProstrate BroomLeguminosaeGenista pedunculata subsp. decumbens (Durande) Gams. Genista prostrata Lam. Spartium decumbens Durande.00
Genista germanica Fabaceae or LeguminosaeG. villosa. Cytisus dalmaticus. Visiani.01
Genista hispanicaSpanish GorseFabaceae or Leguminosae 01
Genista pilosaHairy greenweed, silkyleaf broomLeguminosaeG. decumbens Willd. G. repens Lam. Genistoides tuberculata Moench. Spartium pilosum (L.) Roth. Telinaria pilosa (L.) C.Presl.00
Genista pilosa procumbensCreeping broom, Creeping hairy broomLeguminosaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name.00
Genista sagittalisWinged Broom, Arrow BroomLeguminosaeChamaespartium sagittale (L.) P.E.Gibbs. Chamaespartium sagittale (L.) P. Gibbs. Cytisus sagittalis (L.) Koch. G. delphinensis Verl. Genistella sagittalis (L.) Gams. Genistella sagittalis subsp. delphinensis (Verl.) P.Fourn. Genistella sagittalis subsp. sagittalis. Pterospartum sagittale (L.) Willk.00
Genista tinctoriaDyer's Greenweed, Common Woadwaxen, BroomFabaceae or Leguminosae 12
Spartium junceumSpanish Broom, Weaver's Broom, Spanish BroomFabaceae or LeguminosaeGenista juncea. G. odorata.02
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