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Medicinal Plants

Date Posted: 11/02/2010 Thread Title: Aloe vera  Posted By : Elizabeth%20Herley

The bitterness of the aloe leaf is only in the thin layer of sap between the outer surface of the leaf and the gelatinous interior. If this is peeled off the inner part of the leaf, after washing with warm water, has a bland taste and can be eaten. It is high in fibre and high molecular weight polysaccharides.

Date Posted: 11/02/2010 Message:

I was told by a Maya curandera (natural healer) in Guatemala that aloe helps men avoid baldness, is good for the hair, etc., drink it in a tea or put the flesh in a salad of veg or fruit...is that good information?

Date Posted: 11/02/2010 Message:

I have worked on aloe in my PG studies. Basicallly aloe is propagted by vegetative means using suckers.so crop improvement seems difficult in this crop because new plant will be identical to the parent plant.but options are available like micropropagation i.e. tissue culture techniques,induced mutation through irradiation

Date Posted: 15/02/2010 Message: I want to start hurbal plantation for Aloe Vera in 2 aker land i need some budget to how much invest the capital for 2 aker land i want to complet costing project report pls help us my emil id [email protected] Best Regards Sagar.
Date Posted: 16/11/2010 Message: So, why would we want the whole leaf juice as opposed to inner fillet? I have been told that one needs those polysaccharides in oder to get all the benefits from aloe.
Date Posted: 28/12/2010 Message: I appreciate these comments. From http://www.rosesandgifts.com.
Date Posted: 06/10/2012 Message: up that's right it has a bitter taste at the thin layer but peeled off the inner part it has bland taste, we have done experimentation aside from the ingredients uses from shampoo can be also done in our bowel movement. tnxs for the info. attract women
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