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Edible Plants

Date Posted: 15/02/2010 Thread Title: Alternative Edible Leaves  Posted By : Administrator
Message:  Re: question of Liliane Stern (Thu Jul 2 2009). The Egyptian leafy vegetable called Moloheya (or mloukhia, mlokheya, mulukhiya,?????, Jew\'s mallow, mulembo, dongo dongo, etc.) is Corchorus olitorius.
Date Posted: 07/05/2010 Message: Test Reply for Alternative Edible Leaves By Inaam..
Date Posted: 23/07/2010 Message: As a vegetable, Chorchorus olitorius was eaten by the African & Middle-eastern population from ancient period. They used it in a soup or pot-herb called Molokhiya. The material that they used to make Molokhiya, was called Nalita. Nalita is the powder of the dried Corchorus olitoirus leaf. Therefore, in African & Middle-Eastern region, COrchorus olitorius is also called Nalita or Nalta Jute. Some researches have been done in Bangladesh and India that states that its leaves can work as anti-oxidents and can reduce Arsenic Contamination. The fascinating fact about Jute is that, it is the second vegetable fiber after cotton. As it can not be used in manufacturing clothing items, the fiber is also a cheap fiber. However, its fiber is recently being used as Clothing fiber in China. But, Jute fiber has some properties of wood also, because of large amount of Lignin. Therefore, Jute fiber is the finest raw material for composite industries.
Date Posted: 23/07/2010 Message: Alternative Names of Chorchorus olitorius in different languages: - English: Red Jute, Tossa Jute, Tussa Jute, Jew's Mallow (Potherb), Bush Okra, West African Sorrel. - Bangla: Tosha Pat, Deshi Pat, Meetha (Sweet) Pat. - Hindi: Janascha Kashto, Singin. - Arabic: Nalta, Nalita, Lif Khaysha. - French: Jute Roax/Rouge, Corete Potager (Potherb), Feuilles Lalo/Lalou (Potherb). - German: Langkapsel-Jute. - Danish: Almindelig Jute. - Russian: Krasnyj Dzhut, Dzut Dlinnoplodnyj. - Estonian: Pikaviljaline Dzuut. - Italian: Juta Rosa, Iuta Rosa, Corcoro Rosa. - Japanese: Taiwan-Tsunaso. - Chinese: Zhong-shuo Huang-ma, Xiao Ma. - Ethiopian: Alsha. - Senegal: Crincrin. - Niger: Lalu, Oyo. - Orient: Meluchia. - Sudan: Nyanypajang.
Date Posted: 27/12/2010 Message: Young leaves are added to salads whilst older leaves are cooked as a pot-herb. High in protein. The dried leaves can be used as a thickener in soups. A tea is made from the dried leaves. Immature fruits are added to salads or used as a potherb.
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