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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Citrus limonLemon45
Eucalyptus globulusTasmanian Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Blue Gum, Blue Eucalyptus14
Galium aparineGoosegrass, Coachweed, Catchweed, Stickywilly23
Herniaria glabraRupture Wort, Smooth rupturewort02
Mentha pulegiumPennyroyal33
Oxalis acetosellaWood Sorrel32
Parietaria judaicaPellitory Of The Wall, Spreading pellitory23
Parietaria officinalisPellitory Of The Wall, Upright pellitory23
Potentilla anserinaSilverweed33
Prunus dulcisAlmond, Sweet almond43
Prunus laurocerasusCherry Laurel, English Laurel43
Prunus persicaPeach, Flowering Peach, Ornamental Peach, Common Peach53
Prunus persica nucipersicaNectarine43
Rumex acetosaSorrel, Garden sorrel53
Salicornia europaeaGlasswort30
Salicornia quinquefloraChicken Claws10
Salsola kaliSaltwort, Russian thistle32
Satureja thymbraThyme-Leaved Savory22
Solanum tuberosumPotato, Irish potato52
Vaccinium oxycoccosSmall Cranberry41
Veratrum virideIndian Poke, American Hellebore12
Citrus latifoliaCitrus Tahitian Lime42
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